Leaving Care
ICS first provision for Young Adults was launched in August 2009 in Forest Gate. Since that time, we have grown and now have a mixture of provision for children & young people including accommodation and floating support outreach services for children and young people.
Inclusive Care provides 24 hour staffed semi-independent accommodation and support for both mixed gender aged 16+ and offers tailored support and supervision with low to specialist support. The units can accommodate both long- and short-term placements and can also accommodate placements at short notice.
The purpose is to offer a safe, structured, and caring environment to young people who are not living with their parents and are preparing for independent living.
Target groups we have worked with and actively support is.
• Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children requiring semi-independent accommodation
• Young offenders, including those on bail and returning into the community after leaving a secure training centre or youth offending institute
• Young people at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation
• Young people leaving care and requiring semi-independent accommodation with varying complex needs, including mental health, learning difficulties/disabilities, autism(s) and associated challenging behaviour(s)
• Young people at risk of gang affiliation and gang violence, criminality, and offending behaviour
• Young people stepping down from residential provision, secure services and hospital settings
• Families requiring intervention/outreach
The approach of Inclusive Care is to ensure that the young people placed within our care have the skill set and ability to lead independent and fulfilling lives with strong attachments and relationships following on from leaving care.
Inclusive Care was established with the purpose of delivering bespoke client-centred services by offering targeted and sustainable accommodation and support services for vulnerable young people. The types of support packages we have designed are based upon the individual needs and circumstance of each young person. We have created three levels of basic support which can be developed to meet the specific identified needs of a young person.
Inclusive Care offers a unique and holistic approach to accommodation provision for vulnerable young people, as not only do we provide stable and safe accommodation, but the company is also run and managed by a qualified social worker who understands the pressures, demands and timescales placed upon local authorities.
This therefore allows for joint working with Local Authorities to work together with identified professionals to assist in the assessment, planning, intervention, and monitoring of the most challenging and vulnerable young people who are assessed to be at risk of significant harm.
On the instruction of the local authority, Inclusive Care can undertake and lead on the completion of Child and Family Single assessments, Age Assessments, Care Plans and Pathway Plans and Parenting Assessments.
The young people we work with at Inclusive Care are always at the forefront of our mind, which allows us to be an outcome focussed organisation that responds effectively to the needs of our clients whilst delivering all our services to the highest of standards.