Family Intervention
Our service often works with families who are in or facing crisis and who need vital intervention at a key moment in their lives and help to overcome multiple, complex issues. By offering practical, tailored, and emotional support our aim is to work with the individual(s) and provide the right level of support to then empower them to address short- and long-term challenges, reducing problems and risks and in some cases, helping a child/individual to remain with their family or family home. We also offer home visits, welfare checks and supervised contact support. Other areas or our work include:
• initial assessments of a families' needs
• regular caseload review meetings to progress and achieve desired outcomes.
• working with multi-agency networks to evaluate caseload needs and the progress that has been made.
• adhering to professional practice standards and legislations, including confidentiality, safeguarding, equality, diversity, and inclusion policies.
• ensuring an up-to-date knowledge of local service provision for appropriate signposting and referrals.
• assessing parenting skills and helping people to build physical and emotional caring abilities through a range of practical activities.
• helping children with learning and development.
• enhancing parents' understanding of different play strategies.
• providing practical home management and budgeting advice.
• coaching, mentoring, and motivating support to families
• maintaining accurate and up-to-date administration and caseload records, including reports of all interactions.
• staying with a family during a crisis, such as a parent being in hospital.