Supported Living
The purpose of our supported living services is to offer a safe, structured and caring environment to individuals who are preparing for independent living.
The approach of Inclusive Care is to ensure that the individual placed within our care have opportunities to develop the necessary skill set and resilience to lead independent and fulfilling lives with strong attachments and relationships.
The aim of the service is to enable each person to develop their life skills and confidence by promoting their independence and developing their ability to make their own choices. Part of this is learning about all of the things that need to be taken into account when making these decisions e.g., managing personal health, well- being and safety. Our input involves specific support on maintaining a tenancy, finances, life skills, mainstream living and coping mechanisms with any additional needs that may be present. Services also take account and are respectful of individual’s cultural and religious beliefs.
ICS works in a person-centred way. People’s support is built around them, their needs, and what a good life means to them, using a variety of different approaches and techniques. These include Person-Centred Active Support (PCAS), which means the person we are supporting is engaged as much as possible in every aspect of their life, and Positive Behaviour Support, a way of working that seeks to understand someone’s challenging behaviour so that it can be minimised. By working in this way, it is hoped that the people we support can take as much control over their lives as possible, start to enjoy social contact and make the most of what their community has to offer.