Aims & Objectives

We aim to support our young people to achieve a range of outcomes around independent living, participating in education and employment, building relationships and social networks, and improving well-being. 

Through specialising in providing community-based services we support people to take control of as much of their life as possible using an approach that makes sure each person has support that is unique to them.  It is our belief that everyone should have the opportunity to be an active citizen and engaged in the community where they live and to be enabled to fulfil their ambitions.  

The aim of the placement would be to provide young people with a secure, stable, and structured placement with clear boundaries for the duration identified by their own individual needs.    

As part of the package provided by Inclusive Care, keywork support is given to assist young people to acquire the skills necessary to live independently and progress into the journey to achieving greater independence.  The keywork support available is broad enough in its range to be able to address a variety of needs and agile enough to adopt a ‘primary focus’ which will be jointly agreed with the young person and any professionals where appropriate and subject to periodic review. It is anticipated that the amount, nature, and primary focus of keywork support a young person receives will vary throughout their residency. The nature of keywork support available should include but not be limited to advocacy, information, advice, guidance, and practical support that enables a young person to:
manage their personal and financial wellbeing 
prepare healthy, cost-effective meals, 
maintain healthy mental, emotional, and physical health including sexual health
access and sustain engagement in suitably aspirational education, training, and employment 
access and engage with universal and targeted services
engage socially in the community
prepare and move into non-supported accommodation including practical support to access available rent deposit/rent guarantor schemes. 
Often, local authorities will commission a suite of additional hours of support above the key work hours included in our services. These hours would be bespoke to the individual and to adhere to a specific need, requirement and/or outcome the young person wishes to or needs to achieve with support.

To develop person centred pathway support packages for the young people in the service. 
To promote safety for the young person by ensuring that each young person has a holistic assessment, that is regularly reviewed. 
To enable the young person to meet their health and emotional needs. 
To promote and maintain positive relationships that benefit the young person and enable them to develop their identity, self-respect and caring for their own well-being. 
To enable the young person to develop skills to communicate and interact with others and to integrate and contribute to the community in a positive manner. 
To work in partnership with parents, relevant adults, education, occupation, health and other professionals to ensure the young person is enabled to maximise their potential. 
To enable young people to be empowered to make choices and decisions in all areas of their lives. 
To encourage young people to participate and be involved in the delivery and development the service. 
To provide Looked After Children / Care Leavers with the opportunity to develop their independent living skills in one to one and group sessions and to provide Care Leavers with a portfolio of skills to demonstrate to key professionals and potential landlords their capacity for independent living. 
To ensure Care Leavers are prepared for independent living, have their wishes and feelings considered and that they are listened to and their feedback informs the service’s continuous improvement.