Complex Needs & Challenging Behaviour

Inclusive Care Support has a long track record of working with people with complex needs and behaviours that challenge and supporting them to have the opportunity for increasing their live experiences and outcomes. 

People with complex needs or behaviour that challenges may have experienced several placements, some of them a long way from home, either because their needs have changed, or the placement has broken down. It is not uncommon for people to first contact us because of a crisis in current support arrangements or because a change in circumstances means there is need for a new support package, for example at the end of a hospital admission or residential education or removing a young person from an area where risks of harm are great. 

Inclusive Care Support offer people who are living with complex needs or behaviour that challenges at different stages in their lives a bespoke package of care and support. We build support packages around each person, modifying the type or level of support as their needs change, with the overall aim of reducing it over time. We have learnt that positive communication is often the key, even when behaviours are extremely challenging, training across the company has enabled us to develop an understanding of how individuals are feeling during episodes of behaviours that are challenging. Our support workers have the skills and training to make sure the people we support are safe, included and encouraged